Free samples
Like many of my colleagues, I am facing the dilemma of being asked to provide free work samples by potential clients. It is understandable that, as a prospective client, you want to test and assess my skills and the quality of my work before entrusting me with a translation project. And while it...
Fraktur – one of the skills that sets me apart
If you can read the text in the image above: well done! You have mastered the German language, and you are old and / or skilled enough to read Fraktur. This specific typeface, like its handwritten...
Your product is unique – your translation should be too
When you have visited my Services page, you may wonder what the differences between some of the services are. They share similarities in that they move the source text from its source culture,...
Audience – The key to success
Clients often ask me why their copy isn't as successful as they thought it would be. Despite it being precise. Despite it describing the company or the product / service. Despite it being created by...
Jack of all trades – or: the many hats some translators wear
Well, not all the terms and professions above apply to me. Some of them do, though. And it is all to my clients’ benefit. Banker, Auditor, Copywriter, are just the three most obvious and valuable...
Words don’t come easy
It is a widespread misconception that Source Text x Translation = Target Text. If it were indeed just an equation, it would not need translators at all, and machines and AI could easily take over...
Co^3 – Coherence and Consistency in Communication
We expect that any text we read that will be coherent (i.e., has a continuity of sense) and cohesive (i.e., shows a connection between its surface elements). Any communication is more likely to...